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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday America!!!

First, I'd like to say Happy 4th of July to everyone.  I want to take the time to thank our service men and women both past and present for all that they've done for our country, with out them we would not be able to celebrate this day!!!

With that being said I think we forget to take the time to thank those that have made this day possible and continue to make this day possible.  We're all too wrapped up in what the 4th of July sales are.  I'm fine with those people who use this day to celebrate with family and friends, but you do realize that while you're off from your job, thousands of other people have to work because you want to shop.

Ok, let me explain.  I work in retail at a very popular American clothing store that is a staple at nearly every mall.  I like what I do, by no means will I ever say I love what I do.  Retail makes me realize how appreciative I am of anyone who works in the customer service business.  Everyone should be FORCED to have to work in retail at least once in their lives.  It's a great experience and you really do learn a lot from it.  For example, I've learned that there is no way I will make retail my career.

I've also developed a hate from major holidays because of working with retail.  Well maybe hate's a strong word but because I have to work every holiday except Christmas, which is ridiculous.  I don't appreciate the fact that we are no longer observing these holidays and remembering what they really mean.  For many Thanksgiving is no longer a day to remember what we are thankful for but a day to plan what stores we want to ambush at midnight.  I have never shopped at midnight for the crazy sales and will never ever do it because I know how annoying it is to have to leave your family to go to work because there are crazy people out there who have to shop.

Let's all stop and take a moment to remember what the holidays are really about!

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