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Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Week in Review... Olympics, Work, and Shopping

Lately, I've been having issues thinking of what to write on here.  There are some days where I can't wait to write something and then there are other days where I can't think of anything.  As a solution each Sunday I'm going to write a week in review post that highlights my week.

FIRST, the Olympics.  Can I just say I become more patriotic every time one of the members from Team USA wins a medal (U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A).  I'm a little upset that NBC has a delay in the programming and I know who won before I even see it (which I understand the need for the delay).  Needless to say I still cried when Gabby Douglas won the all around gold medal for gymnastics when I watched it.  I get chocked up watching the athletes on the podium while hearing the national anthem play because I imagine this is the moment they wait their entire life for.   
Photo from Time Magazine
 Michael Phelps... need I say more.  This man has single handily changed the sport of swimming.  I'm a little sad that he's "retiring" because he is an amazing athlete and I would like him to swim for as long as possible because he dominates the sport.  Maybe he'll pull a Brett Favre and announce his tear filled retirement only to come back later and say he changed his mind?  But these Olympic games have made me hopeful for the future of US Swimming because of the other great swimmers that are on Team USA.
Photo from Yahoo Sports
Another inspiring story from the Olympics is the story of Oscar Pistorius, the South African runner who at a young age had both his legs amputated below the knee.  There has been much debate that his prosthetic legs give him a slight advantage over the other runners, which the olympic committee proved false.  Before his race the other day, NBC Sports ran a piece on him which highlighted how he got to the Olympics.  What was so inspirational is that his mother told him that if his "able bodied" brother was climbing a tree, Oscar better be up there with him climbing it.  She told her son he was no different then other children and he's proved her right by making it to the Olympics.    Even though he's not on Team USA, he's got a fan in me because I will support this man in any of his future endeavors because he is truly an inspiration to all!

Ok, so enough about the Olympics on to the rest of my week.  When I haven't been watching the Olympics I've been busy working.  I wish I could say work has gotten better but it hasn't.  I've realized i need a change because an interesting quote popped up on my Tumblr.  It was the famous quote from Confucius that said Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”  This will be my new motto... so the search continues to find a job I love!

Hello, my name is Tori and I'm addicted to shopping.  Sadly, it's true.  I just see a deal, or something I have to have and I just buy it.  My bank account isn't too fond of my addiction but it does enable it.  In my defense, I've gotten some great deals and everything I've bought was a classic piece that I needed in my closet. I'm trying to not just buy things because I "feel" like I need it. 

Well, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday.  I hope everyone has a great week!

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