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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A (Late) Week in Review... Cars, Books and Work

Hello all,

Sorry for posting so late but I've been busy working my butt off.

This week has been a week of me spending money that I don't have.  My lovely Honda Accord Coupe has been making this unpleasant sound that sounds like metal cans being run over by an 18-wheeler.  Through some clever research I discovered that a lot of people have had this same issue when they reach 35,000 miles (which is exactly where I am).  Once I took my car to the service department at my local Honda dealership (which is one of my LEAST favorite places on Earth).  I've had my issues with them in the past and this appointment followed the previous ones.  To spare you the frustrating details my rear breaks were worn out and that was why they were squeaking.  Now I'm now down $300 but my breaks are working fabulously and they are not making that terrible sound, so I think it was money well spent.  

Well I've finally finished the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy and am sad that I'm done with them.  Although, being the crazy person I am I'm rereading them because I feel like I missed some things.  Last night at work, my one manager who insisted I read the books and I were casting the movie.  We could easily cast most of the characters but we struggled with who would play Mr. Christian Grey.  I think there are tons of actresses who could play Anastasia and I hope that Kristen Stewart is not one of those people who is in the race.  Now I think Alexander Skarsgard would make the perfect Christian!  
If anyone needs and convincing I recommend watching him in True Blood seasons 2-4!

Now my manager believed that Ian Somerhalder would make the perfect Grey. I'll admit he's not terrible looking but I don't know I don't like him as much as I love Alexander Skarsgard.

Who do you think is the perfect Christian Grey? I know like many of you I hope and pray that Mr. Christian T. Grey is real and I'm just waiting for him and Charlie Tango to come rescue me!

On a positive note, I finally booked my plane ticket for Boston (which was money well spent!!!!!)

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